Make Sure Your SEO Strategy Compliments With Google Algorithms
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Make Sure Your SEO Strategy Compliments with Google Algorithms

Make Sure Your SEO Strategy Compliments with Google Algorithms


Google changes and optimises its search engine algorithms regularly and these changes always influence the SEO landscape. SEO is a marketing strategy designed to make a website more visible on search. It utilises all the rules and regulations laid down by Google to improve the quality and visibility of the website. At OAC Digital, we take all algorithm updates very seriously.

What’s the Current Landscape Like?

Google rolled out the much anticipated and somewhat dreaded update to Penguin in the middle of September and marketers have kept an eye on the SEO landscape ever since. It’s too soon to tell exactly how the update would influence search engine optimisation in Melbourne but some websites have seen changes in traffic.

Google typically rolls the updates out in stages. After the update is fully released, the search giant would send out the bots to recrawl the internet and only then would the changes become apparent. For now, the SEO landscape looks quite steady but that can change, so you need to be as vigilant as possible.

Why Do You Need to Keep an Eye on the Updates?

If you don’t follow the rules, you’ll have to face penalties and that can have an impact on your business and reputation. Penalties by Google directly influence the ranking so all the painstaking work you put into search engine optimisation in Mornington will go down the drain.

If you want to implement successful search engine optimisation in Melbourne, you need to work with Google rather than against it. Google wants to provide high-quality results to its search users. The company updates its algorithms to ensure that the links listed at the top of the SERP provide the best possible information and experience to their users. This quality control will ensure search users keep using Google to gain access to information.

If Google provides poor quality information and results at the top of the SERP, the search users turn away from it and that would ultimately impact the entire SEO industry. If you want to run a successful campaign, you need to follow the rules and keep up with changes in the algorithm.

Want to know more about search engine optimisation in Melbourne? Just give OAC Digital a call. Our number is 1300 188 088. You can also use our live chat to speak with us.
